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Thursday, Nov 24, 2022 at 8:15 PM to Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 at 9:15 PM EST
MedRehab Clinic, 955 Major Mackenzie Dr. West, Unit 106, 1st Floor, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L6A 4P9, Canada
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MedRehab Clinic, 955 Major Mackenzie Dr. West, Unit 106, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L6A 4P9, Canada.
This event is ideal for people who are looking to understand the GNM perspective of chronic knee pain. Participants will be introduced to GNM and will learn the relationship between the psyche, brain and body. Strategies on how to address symptoms will also be presented. This is a great opportunity to expand your GNM knowledge in order to feel more empowered and less fearful around your health symptoms.
Please make sure to share this event with people you would like to introduce to GNM.
Please email me to let me know if you are unable to make the event after registering. Thanks.
Dr. Alvin De Leon, GNM Teacher, Chiropractor, and Father of 2 Connect with me on Instagram for the livestream @DrAlvinDeLeon
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